International Organization for Standardization Certified
We are proud of our Safety, Quality, Environmental, Business Continuity Management, and Security Systems across all our manufacturing facilities globally.

ISO 45001: Occupational Health and Safety
Silent-Aire is committed to the prevention of injury and ill health, complying with applicable standards and requirements, and continuously improving in occupational health and safety performance. We are committed to an Injury and Incident Free (IIF) workplace.
ISO 9001: Quality Management System
Silent-Aire is committed to providing quality products and services, complying with applicable standards and requirements, and continuously improving the effectiveness of the Quality Management System while maintaining customer satisfaction and achieving business objectives.
ISO 14001: Environmental Management System
We take great pride in delivering the world’s most efficient cooling systems for industry, institutions, and data centers. Our industry-leading sub 1.10 PUE mission critical cooling systems are an example of our leadership in delivering environmentally friendly data centers.
Social Responsibility
Silent-Aire supports local charities and has strong ties to youth and community sports by providing financial contributions and volunteer hours every year.